H.M.S. Asia during the Battle of Navarino Hi Mac, I found your website while searching for details of the Battle of Navarino and was, well, to say impressed is understating my feelings! It's brilliant! I started my family history way back in 1983 and one of the first ancestors I came across was a Royal Marine (actually a great great uncle) who served as a private on board H.M.S. Asia during the Battle of Navarino. I read many sources and wrote, for my own benefit (not for anyone else's eyes), his story and that of the Battle Of Navarino. Many years later, I intend to put on-line my family history (due to pressure from wife, sons, and cousins!) and I have been asked to add my story of Navarino. Well, on your site you have some marvellous pictures - Sir Edward Codrington, the map of the opposing forces at Navarino Bay, and the two, brilliant pictures of the battle itself. The above are exactly what my story (hoped to be website) lacks and (you've probably guessed!) I would appreciate your okay to use these on my site. Im obviously, want to avoid any copyright problems. The website address, on which I found the pictures, is - http://ahoy.tk-jk.net/macslog/BattleofNavarino.0ctober2.html I hate asking because you have done all the work and it seems like cheating - but that's probably just my age! The pictures would certainly say more than my words ever could. Kindest regards,
Thank you for your quite flattering remarks about AHOY and the Battle of Navarino. It is an important story being the last battle between sailing ships, and didn't Sir Edward do well? All the illustrations in that piece come from Wikipedia which of course is in the public domain, so you should be able to use whatever you wish. Good luck and best wishes for a lovely Christmas. Mac |