
After the wars end I was assigned to guard Count Felix Von Luckner & Countess Von Luckner

Dear Gregory

I am Keith Kemp Murray Utah.    I served in Wold War two. After the wars end I was assigned to guard Count Felix Von Luckner & Countess Von Luckner for a few weeks. I have pictures with me and the Count & Countess.

It was a good duty. They were great people. They were not nazis, thats why we had to gaurd them. He was such a world war I hero. Hitler dared not harm him.


Dear Keith,

My thanks for your message about Count von Luckner, could you send me your photo taken with him and the Countess. We would like to put it up on Ahoy with all the other messages about the Count that have come in to Ahoy from around the world.

Thank you,

Best wishes.
Mac. Gregory.

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