
Greg met a direct descendant of THE Raphael Semmes

Mr. Gregory:

My hat is off to you. I have just spent almost two hours reading about the Merchant Cruisers and raiders on your site. I have always been fascinated by WWII naval activities of the Royal and Royal Australian Navies, ever since I read HMS Ulysses and Rendevous South Atlantic. The stories, both fictional and real, of men in your service certainly stirred my imagination. (The sea didnt-I took my commission as an Army Infantry officer). This site is fascinating, scholarly, and lively. I thank you for your efforts.

I havent gotten to the chapter on the Confederate Raiders, yet, but you, of all people may find it of interest that one of my clients, several years ago, was a man who identified himself to me as Raphael Semmes. I immediately asked him if he was any relation, and he told me he was Raphael Semmes VI, and he was the direct descendant of THE Raphael Semmes.

I will now close, but again, let me say thank you for your work.

Greg Taggart
College Station, Texas USA


My thanks for your message and your kind words. Ahoy is a combination of my writing, and then my friend Terry Kearns, quite close to you in Atlanta, Georgia using his skill, and dedication to turn it all into what one finds on the net when they stumble across our site.

The intrepid sailors from the time of your Civil War, to WW1, and then WW2, who manned and fought their ships as Raiders across the world's oceans have always fascinated me. To record their exploits in this trilogy, was, for me a pleasure, this work, if it gains a wider audience via the internet is an added bonus.

Your meeting a direct relation of the famed Raphael Semmes would indeed be a great moment, his exploits and achievements, added to those of his contemporaries almost brought the Yankees to their knees.

Again, may I reiterate my thanks, and Terry joins me in good wishes from both the US and Australia.

Mackenzie Gregory.

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