
Gordon L, Hulland's wartime experience as a gunner on merchant ships sailing out of Liverpool (DEM: Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships)

I've recently launched a website relating to my father's wartime experience as a gunner on merchant ships sailing out of Liverpool. You may be interested to have a look.

www.chrishulland.me.uk  Page about Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships service.


Thank you for that, we will put a link on AHOY to your site, I am sure there are many out there that would find interest in your Father's WW2 experience.
As an 18 year old Midshipman, I visited Capetown in 1940, and again later in the war. The hospitality was overwhelming, and some of the country around the Cape very beautiful.
I went up to the top of Table Mountain on a fairly primitive cable car system, and the view at the top very rewarding.
I retain fond memories of the area, sparked again by your Dad's report.
Again, my thanks and best wishes.
Mac. Gregory.

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