German ships and or crews interned in Brisbane during WW1 Dear Mac, I am looking for any information re German ships or crews interned in WW1 in the Port of Brisbane. Could you possibly point me in the right direction to find such information? My partners Grandfather was a apparently a German crewman from an interned German ship in Brisbane at the commencement of hostilities in 1914 and she is seeking further background information. We would appreciate any and all assistance that you could supply in this endeavor. Sincerely
I can only find two German Merchant ships seized in Brisbane in 1914, they are: SS Cannstatt of 5,930 tons built in 1913, renamed Bakara, some details below. During the First World War 6,890 Germans were interned, of whom 4,500 were Australian residents before 1914; the rest were sailors from German navy ships or merchant ships who were arrested while in Australian ports when the war broke out, or German citizens living in British territories in South-East Asia and transported to Australia at the request of the British Government. Some internees were temporary visitors trapped here when the war began. About 1,100 of the total were Austro-Hungarians, and of those around 700 were Serbs, Croats and Dalmatians from within the Austro-Hungarian Empire who were working in mines in Western Australia. Regards, |