Dear Sir,
We came across a paperback book that led us to your web site.
"WOLFCHEN" von Leutnant z. S. Stein u., Oberflugmeister Fabeck (on the cover)
AUGUST SCHERL G.M.B.H. BERLIN (lower right hand cover)
printed 1918 in Berlin
You are the only site on the Internet that had any information at all about the Wolf.
If you, or someone you know, would like to know the German perspective about the Wolf, please contact us.
Thank you for your E-Mail.
I would be pleased to receive any information about Wolf and Wolfchen that you are able to send to me.
The use of this aircraft in WW1 allowed the Captain of this Raider to extend his horizon, it was innovative at that time, and I am certain it allowed Karl Neger to be one of the most successful Raider Captains of the first world war.
I look forward to hearing from you with interest.
My thanks again for taking the time to get in contact with me.
Mac. Gregory.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for you response.
In addition to the "Wolfchen" book I have described, I also have the following books:
DER KREUZERKRIEG 1918 by Hugo von Waldeyer-Hartz, published by Gerhard Stalling, Oldenburg I.O. in 1931. The "Wolf" and the "Wolfchen" are described in Part III, Chapter IX. The book is filled with many drawings, photographs and maps, with a blue/gold pictorial cover, and appears to be devoted to the many German ships of that era. It is in good condition with only age discoloration and bumped edges.
DAS SCHWARZE SCHIFF by Witschetzky, published by the Union Deutsche Berlagagesellschaft, Stuttgart/Berlin/Leipzig (ca 1920). The book has approx. 50 photos and illustrations, and 6 beautiful watercolors, and a fold-out map, with a blue/black/gold/white pictorial cover. The very first photo, even before the text, is that of the Commander of the Wolf .
I will be offering these three books as a package on Ebay next week for a total of $50.00 U.S., plus $10.00 shipping. I am prepared to hold these books for you upon receipt of your return E-mail to do so, and pending receipt of your money order, cashier's check, or certified check in the amount of $60.00.
I am
Joseph T. Nie
P.O. Box 409
Island Lake, IL 60042
Thank you giving me the option of buying your three books, are they in English of in German? No doubt they would be interesting to view, but no thank you, given the poor value of the Australian Dollar to your US dollar, I will not want to purchase them.
Mac Gregory.
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