
George S Livanos sunk by th Japanese Submarine I-11

November 14, 2009
  Subject: gs levinos

hello mac

my dad was on the gs levinos when it went down..i have the teligram at home sent to my mum stating it was sunk
in enemy action by a topedoe. i think the captain was called zaracostas.

i thik my dad may have boarded her from liverpool but am not to sure..if you have a picture of the ship i wouldnt
mind a copy if this is not to cheeky.. ill keep looking on your site for dive updates..

cheers and good luck..


Nice to hear from you again, this Greek ship was the George S  Livanos sunk by th Japanese Submarine I-11, But I am unable to find a photo of her.

Could you please send me a copy of the telegram about her loss we will add it to AHOY.


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