
From Howard Wolfe, US Navy 1985-1996

God bless sir. I am a sailor by trade, years and miles from the sea now, but I spent 11 years on navy ships plying the seas.Your website is awesome and it reminds me of many memorable times as an officer on ships all over the world.  I may misquote this but the idea is right..."them that go down to the sea in ships are special men, for they know the works of the Lord".  The things I saw at sea will never be understood by landlubbers. I commend and respect you on your most wonderful website and humbly salute you for your heroic service.
LCDR Howard Wolfe, US Navy 1985-1996
USS Joseph Strauss (DDG-16)
USS Cleveland (LPD-7)
USS Chandler (DDG-994)
USS La Salle (AGF-3)
USS Savannah (AOR-4)
USS Arctic (AOE-8)

Dear Howard,
Thank you for your very kind remarks about AHOY, and your salute. I, like so many sailors over WW2 was merely trying to serve my country for the real reason we all went to war against Hitler and Japan, the preservation of our way of life, and democracy as we understand it.
If our children were to live as we would want them to, we had to win that battle.
It did take six years, but was worth the struggle and heartache during that long voyage.
Now Howard, I must tell you, that Ahoy is the result of the joint efforts of Terry Kearns, both my good friend in Atlanta, Georgia, and my Web Master, my part of research, and the writing is the easy bit, Terry has the onerous task of whipping all my scribblings into the site that presents its face to the world at large, and to anyone who chances to find it on the Net, and logs on to take a look. Without Terry's dedication and expertise, Mac's Web Log would not exist.
Thank you again for your encouraging words, the sea and those who sail thereon, gain something very special from their experience.
Best wishes from both Terry and myself.
Mackenzie Gregory.

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