
Frank Partridge Victoria Cross Military Museum

Frank Partridge V.C.
Frank Partridge V.C.
Hello Mac,

I find your pages a constant source of in formation. We do not have much yet, and have just come on line with a small net sight. The museum is run mostly by ex-navy. Hope you may be interested. If you know Graham Thurstans (LCMD), retired curator of spectacle then he helped start us off but unfortunately moved to Western Aust. He is however in constant contact thanks to email.

William Coulter
Hon. Secretary
Frank Partridge V.C. Military Museum Inc.
Net: http://home.kooee.com.au/withco/

Hello William,

Thank you for your message and your kind words about Ahoy. It is the amalgam of all my writing, which is then put together to form our AHOY site by my very good friend Terry Kerans who lives in Atlanta Georgia. What is presented to the world is due to Terry, and without his dedication and expertise the site would not exist.

Your site on Frank Partridge is off to a good start, and I believe it is necessary, that where ever we have an opportunity, it is essential we record the history of both our service people but that of our nation. If we don't, much will be lost for our future generations of young people.

Terry and I are constantly suprised by the interest in AHOY around the world and the stream of questions that are posed about something we have jointly put up on the site.

Keep up your good work, and should I be able to help in any small way please contact me.

Just a note William, on your site, pamphlet is spelt pamphalet. We will add a link to your site.

Have you seen the Hall of Valour at the Australian War Memorial? It is the largest display of the Victoria Cross, I believe world wide.

With every good wish from Terry in USA and myself.


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