
Found what I believe to be a figurehead of a boat

October 20, 2011

Hi there, I've come across your site about figureheads and was wondering I'd you could help me out. When I was young I found what I believe to be a figurehead of a boat. It's carved from wood, and looks to be an African
woman who is cupping an egg in her arms. I found it on the coast of nova scotia, Canada. It's about 20 inches in length. I'm curious as to who i could contact to find out where it might have originated or what it may be off of. If you could at all help me this would be great!

Hope to hear from you soon.


Carlie ,

If your figurehead is but 20 inches long, it may have come from a model of a ship.

See this URL:

Is it possible for you to E-Mail me a photo of your treasure?

Best regards,

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