
Forum: Ventures and Voyages on the Seven Seas Shipwrecks, Scuba Diving, Maritime History, Nautical , Sailing, Naval Topics and Ocean Mysteries

I came across your site and was very impressed with your info about the amazing Count Felix von Luckner.
I run a forum dedicated to Clive Cussler fans and we have a section called:
"Ventures and Voyages on the Seven Seas Shipwrecks, Scuba Diving, Maritime History, Nautical , Sailing, Naval Topics and Ocean Mysteries."

I've posted a recomendation about the book and have included a link to your site.
If you wish to pay us a visit, click on the link below ; registration is free
Cheers ... Tony ... user id. (DirkPitt)

Hello Tony,

Thank you for your kind words about Ahoy and our von Luckner info, it is a joint effort, my friend Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia runs the site, I do the writing and research.

The amount of comment the Count has generated is quite amazing, in Halle in Germany, some admirers of the Sea Devil are trying to build a Memorial and a Museum to his memory.

To this end, Terry has recently started a web site for von Luckner, the URL is: http://vonluckner.tk-jk.net should you care to visit it.

Best regards,

Hello Mac,

I'm in Perth, Australia and after I read the book, I drove down south to where Luckner said he stayed at a lighthouse and enquired about his sea chest he left behind after abandoning the place in a hurry.

Have you ever heard about what happened to that sea chest? or am I the only one that was keen enough to investigate?

Cheers ... Tony


No, I have never come across any mention about what might have happened to the sea chest.

But it was all so long ago, I cannot believe it would still be around. It would be great to unravel its history, and should you find any details about it, I would be pleased if you would share it with me, so we might bring it to a wider audience world wide.

Nice to talk with you, if you visit the von Luckner Society site now and then you will be able to see what progress we are making with the Halle project. In a separate E-Mail I will send the details about the US advance towards Berlin in WW2, and how the Count was able to save Halle from destruction.

All the best,

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