
Father was on Vita when they picked up survivors from the sunken Hermes

April 19, 2012

Hi Mac

Came across your 'Blog' quite by accident. My Father served with British India Steam Navigation Company. from
1938. He was just 19 and had qualified as an Electrical and Mechanical Engineer at I.C.I. Manchester (4 years for
each). He resigned to join B.I. and served on many ships, including H.M.H.S VITA. He served on her for a full year,
1941 through 1942. He was there on Vita when they picked up survivors from the Sunken Hermes. I have photo's of
him, photo's of Vita, and stories of the sinking of the Hermes. Also his Continuous Service Of Discharge.

Please let me know if there is anything you would like.

Kind regards



Nice to hear from you.

I would love to have copies of your photos, and the detail on sinking of Hermes, to add to our AHOY pages so we may share it all with our readers.

Best regards.

21 April, 2012

Hi Mac

I had forgotten all about the message I had left on your 'Blog' so it was lovely to hear from you.

I have attached the story of the sinking of the Hermes, the real account of one of the survivors. My father was on
the Vita when they picked up the survivors. Dad was an officer, and as such should not have taken his jacket off,
but out of compassion for one of the rescued sailors' he took it off and rapped it round the man. On another
occasion he was tempting to lift a sailor out of the water, but the man was so badly but that his skin just fell away in dad;'s hands.

Unfortunately, when I copied the account, I did not add the name of the sailor, and as it was a long time ago, I
cant even remember which forum it was on. 

I have also attached a photo of H.M.H.S. Vita. and one of  dad.



I have so many photo's, of all  the ships dad sailed on, his Continuous Service-ice of Discharge, etc; Please let me know what all you would like and I'll attach them in a future email

Also please will you advise me where I can find your forum as I have forgotten.

Kind regards



Thanks for your attachments.

We will add them to AHOY.

If you go to its home page at: ahoy.tk-jk.net, across the top of the page you will see Forum listed towards the RH
side. Click on that and it will come up.


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