
Father served in HMS Repulse when it was sunk

October 26, 2009


I am very interested in the sinking of the Prince of Wales and the Repulse. My father was on the Repulse when it was sunk and was then put to Singapore.

Since he died I have often wondered how many men were on these ships before they sank and then how many survived that terrible day. I know it had a lasting impression on my father which he hardly ever spoke about. Can you give me the figures and any other information would be greatly appreciated.

I served for 9 years in 45 regiment, in borneo and malaya and of course Ireland 1965-1974. My dad only spoke
to me about some of his experiences after I had seen active service. He never spoke to my mother or his own
family about it. 

Yours Hopefully,
Bill Black


Go to this URL: http://www.forcez-survivors.org.uk/ for the Prince of Wales and Repulse Force Z site.

Prince of Wales had a total crew of 1612, from that 20 Officers 280 Sailors and 27 Marines died.

Repulse had a crew of 1161, and in total 513 died, I do not have a breakdown of Officers and Sailors.

Total loss between both ships the appaling figure of 840.

Trust this helps.


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