
Father sailed in U-767


My name is Franz Werner Zuther son of BtsMt Gerhard Otto Willi Zuther of the U767.

You asked about the survivor of the U767  Walter Schmietenknop, As far as we can remember he lived with his family on a farm possibly the owners, in the close vicinity of Wesel ?

My Mother who is 84 can not remember where around Wesel he lived but she tell's me she went to his home and talked to his Mother she said Walter is still a prisoner of war ( in America ?) but as soon as he's home she would let us know, But she did not, So after 2 or 3 years my Mother wrote to the Burgermister where Walter lived explaining the situation the Burgermister wrote back stating that Walter was back a year or so and he would ask Walter to come to his office and make a statement . My mother needed this statement because my Father was missing at see without it we could not get his death certificate.

The Burgermister did send us a statement from Walter which we believe is still on file, my Fathers Sterbeurkunde Standesamt Mulhiem an der Ruhr  No:- 214 .  Walters statement if it's still there could be priceless letting you know exactly where he comes from and what happened to the 767.

I hope this is of help to you. Please let me know how you get on, If you have any questions don't hesitate we will try to answer. Good Luck.


Dear Werner,
My thanks for the trouble you have taken in letting me know about Walter.
I had an E-Mail some time ago from his Father-in-law in Vancouver Canada, indicating that Walter was still alive and well,  
and living in Vancouver. I did get a brief story about his escape via his Father-in-law.

Would you have the address of the Burgomister at Wesel or nearby? we would love to have a copy of Walter's statement to him.
Could you please explain the meaning of Sterbeurkunde Standesamt Mulheim an der Ruhr No:- 214? Is it your Father's Death Certificate? and if so, is a copy available please? It must have been very difficult for your Mother being unable to have his death registered.

It is fascinating to have small pieces of the jig saw that relate to the sinking of U-767, and you have added to the story with  
your information, thank you again.

With best wishes and kindest regards, 
Mac. Gregory.

Dear Mac,

Thanks for your reply, We have been trying to find out what happend to the U-767 for years, My friend found your site & e mailed me. Thanks to you and your friends we now know where my Father lays.

I have sent you a scan of his certificate which is in my family book. If you write to the STANDESBEAMTE in MULHEIM you should be able to get copy of my fathers death certificate and Walters statement. The statement was kept by the Standesamt, it is the original sent to us by the Burgermeister.

If you like to get in touch with them write to the address in the stamp at the bottom of the certificate they should be able to sort it out.

If there's anything else let me know.

Lots of luck,
Werner Zuther.

Dear Werner,

I am so pleased we have been able to help with finding your late Father's last resting place, although it is small  
comfort for losing him under such circumstances. War can be a very nasty business.

Thank you for the advice about contacting Mulheim.

Great to talk to you.
Kindest regards.


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