
Father / Grandfather was Petty Officer Telegraphist on the Oribi, in Convoy ONS5

Dear Sir

Since assisting my 10 year old daughter with her recent homework where she had to research a family member who fought in th second world war. I of course suggested she should try and research her grandfather who is my father. He was a young man and fought on the Atlantic Convoys and has since received his Atlantic Star medal. She has never met him as he unfortunately passed away 17 years ago. As with most young people we all wish we had talked more frankly about his dangerous missions during the war so as to understand and appreciate exactly what they all went through. But I like many others put the day off and he was reluctant to ever offer much information. It was just this homework that made me investigate further to find out the full extent of the danger, and conditions that he was working in. May I thank you for your report on the 'The Battle For Convoy ONS5'  where he did a skilful job as Petty Officer Telegraphist on the Oribi. I and my daughter have learned so much.

yours faithfully
Corinne Fraser  (nee Paskins)

Thank you for your E-Mail, I am pleased you both enjoyed my work on Convoy ONS 5, if there is any way I might help you and your daughter about the Battle of the Atlantic, please let me know.

Here are the qualification details about earning the Atlantic Star. 

The Atlantic Star.
To commermorate The Battle of the Atlantic. Minimum of 180 days at sea in the Atlantic Ocean, between the 3rd. of September 1939 and the 2nd. of September 1945 ( 60 days for RAF aircrews ). Qualifying service started only after earning the 1939/1945 Star. Bars for Air Crew Europe and France and Germany, were awarded if the recipient qualified for those stars, but only one may be worn.

The Ribbon colours represent the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in all of its moods.

Best wishes,
Mackenzie. Gregory.

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