
Family history research

Dear Sir/Madam.

Re Family history.

My name is David Nicholls and on the off chance. I came upon the site "Jervis Year. The Class of 1936 Royal Australian Naval College".

I am looking for some help regarding the photo I have sent with this mail.

The situation is that I have no name for this person shown.  I have no idea as to who it is.

Please can you advise if the uniform is similar to the Australian Navy.

The uniform does look similar to me however I have little information to go on as to who the person is with my photo. It was found in an old case together with other family documentation.

My family history is in progress and difficult to trace and has been for over 40 years.

To date I have the names of Oatley.Croft.Thackray.and Lawrenson? together with my family surname of Nicholls who married a Clare Ellen Turner. back in 1908.

Should you be able to help with my quest for information regarding this photo I would be most pleased to hear what you may be able to tell me about this photo.
Many Thanks 
David Nicholls


The photograph is of a man in the uniform of a Petty Officer, he could be Royal Australian Navy, or Royal Navy, both have the same uniform.

The crosed gold anchors, and the cap badge, indicate he is a Petty Officer, the three gold stripes are good conduct badges, Good Conduct Badges"Good Conduct Badges (worn on the left arm) were first authorised in 1849 for award after 5, 10 and 15 years' satisfactory service. These periods were changed to 3, 8 and 13 years in 1861, and to 4, 8 and 12 years in 1946. 

The edge of his medal ribbon looks to me like the ribbon for the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, awarded for 15 years service.

( an old Navy saying is that is for 15 years undetected crime. )

The gold badges show its his Number 1 or best uniform, the badges would be red if it were his normal day uniform.

Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
LSGC Medal.

I hope that is of some help to you.
Mackenzie Gregory.


A few more thoughts on your photo.

An RAN Petty Officer would have Australia written across the bottom of his uniform buttons such as here:

uniform button with AUSTRALIA at its base
Uniform button with AUSTRALIA at its base

So I think he is a Royal Navy PO.

No sign of any WW2 medal ribbons, thus the photograph is most likely pre 1939.

No doubt you can work out the inscription as I think, Your Loving Cousin Harry.

Can you see any more of what is below Colletis? is it part of the photographer's address?

Older photographs I believe tended to carry the name/and or name and address, of who took the photo.

Best regards.

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