
Empire Gold photos

February 6, 2013


ive just returned to your site after a long time (didnt realise how long) and found someone enquiring about the photos of the empire golds demise.   it was me who sent them in, tim kay. i dont know who took them as i only found them among my fathers (surviving engineer) things after his death.

i also noticed a janice joyce wanting to get in touch with other survivors family and wondered if it would be possible to get both of us in touch. i know this is not a pen pal site, but it would be interesting. regards,

tim kay
billingham. northeast england.


I am sorry but I do not have Janice Joyce's E mail address.

Thank you for the information that you sent the photos of the ship's demise.

Of course only 4 survived the sinking from a crew of some 47. Not very good odds.




See this E-Mail for the source of the photos of Empire

Gold's sinking.


Best regards,


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