
Dwight F. Zeller, the chaplain who did the baptism from Canberra's bell

May 22, 2011

Mac, Terry &/or Raymond:

A few day ago my son brought to me several printout pages from your web site on the Canberra bell. I read them with excitement. I am the chaplain who did the baptism. I retired from the U.S. Navy in 1974, am now 81 and have
been in theological education every since - see http://sangredecristoseminary.org.

My wife and I have been in Australia twice in the past 6 years (Geelong and Tasmania) where I have filled in for a few month at vacant congregations.

It would have been great to have seen the Bell again. 

Best wishes, Dwight F. Zeller

Hello Dwight,

How lovely to hear from you, and to hear you are still going strongly.

I know Raymond who has recently turned 50 will be pleased to read your mail.

I am now 89, but touch wood, am still around, I do have a heart fibrillation, and Type 2 diabetes, but they are chemically controlled.

Should you ever return to Australia we are in Melbourne ( I happened to be born in Geelong ) do look us up.

Exciting to hear from you after all these days, Canberra's Bell is on loan in 5 year licks to our Australian National Naval Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour Sydney.

Description: Description: Raymond Edwin Gregory with the Bell on display in the American Gallery, at the Australian National Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour Sydney.

Raymond Edwin Gregory with the Bell on display in the American Gallery, at the Australian National Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour Sydney.
Raymond with Canberra's bell.

The Christening.

Very best wishes,

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