Duncan Cowx, a midget sub operator in WW2? October 03, 2010 Hi Mac Been researching my family history and lately in conversation with Iris Cowx, widow of my mothers cousin Donald. She lives in Birmingham UK She told me that he and his twin brother Duncan both served in the Navy in WW2. Donald apparently saw a lot of action in the Mediterranean on HMS Delhi and HMS Triumph. By contrast she said Duncan had a quiet war! working on midget submarines in NW Scotland and Australia. Duncan is no longer with us, but hoping to see her again soon and find out more from her and Duncan's sons. Don't know what ships he served on, but I gather he was an AB. Can't see him as a charioteer. I see that you served in Scotland in WW2. and I have seen a lot of info and links about the submarine bases on your website Obviously a lot of folk up there, but does the name Duncan Cowx ring Kind regards
No I am afraid that I have no knowledge of Duncan Cowx as a mid get sub operator in WW2. See this URL: For a history of HMS Delhi, and this URL: for details of Submarine HMS Triumph. Regards, |