Do you have any info on the prisoners on the Wolf or the passengers on the Mantunga? Dear Mac, Do you have any info on the prisoners on the Wolf or the passengers on the "Mantunga." My mother had a large metal cup with the inscription "Commemorate the cruise of SMS Wolf". She passed it to my brother who has mislaid it. How I don't know, because it is at lest 12 ins high. It was passed to my mother by her The story we have been told was that she was a nurse and her husband a doctor who were captured on their way home to the UK by the "Raider". They were released in Denmark but her husband had either died before or soon In the book by Hoyt, he mentions the wife of an Australian doctor called Mrs Flood. Rose Coombs married a John Flood in London before WW1. I have sent for a marriage certificate that appears to be their's. It will say if they are a doctor and nurse at the time of the marriage. We thought they were on their way home from Indonesia, but there is no proof of that. I would appreciate any info that may throw light on this. But on the balance of probabilities it is the one mentioned in the book. I am a distant relative as such. My Dad is still with us at 96 years old and remembers her very well indeed. If you would or anyone like a copy of the photo, I will e-mail it. I currently live in France. Rose lived in Southampton when she died. All the best
Thank you for your message. One of my correspondents Peter Honen, see his message to me below, has the passenger list for Matunga, and some details about Major and Mrs Flood. I will pass on your message to Peter, and ask him to contact you. Hope you get the information you are seeking. We would love a copy of the photo please and will add it to our material about Wolf, and Matunga. Kindest regards, Mac.
Hi Mac., I am ashamed to say that I am a newcomer to he net. And obviously your website as well. I didn't spend much time at sea with RANR, as my skills are legal. but I have done a lot of work with senior Naval men in my career, recently Rob. Walls and Chris Barry. I grew up in Canberra, surrounded by Naval types who were friends of my parents, eg. Admirals Peek and VAT Smith, Dacre Smyth (recently seen at Dunkirk). So when I qualified in law I was expected to do the right thing and volunteer. But I wasn't sent to Vietnam. Did prosecuting of "conshies' instead. I see there are a few enquiries from your followers about Matunga. Please make it known that I have complete passenger lists for Matunga, Cumberland and Wairuna (NZ) sunk by Wolf. Also, I have done a lot of work on the Rabaul Garrison. So I'm a pretty full bottle on Colonel Strangman (Adelaide) and Major JW Flood and wife, who were based at Rabaul as medico's ( not the wife of course )!! I have recently received a "blessing" from David Burns , managing director of Burns Philp who likes my idea of a "reunion." Please let any Wolf watchers know that I would welcome any requests for information. And also any expressions of interest about the "reunion, which will probably take place in Sydney. Regards
Attached is the photo of Rose Flood (née Coombs). I am still waiting for the marriage certificate from London to try to confirm she is the person who married a doctor. However, this is the lady who had the cup with the inscription - if is not her it must be the biggest coincidence of all time. It is definitely a picture of a younger version than the lady I knew in the 50's. When I get the marriage certificate, I will send you a copy of that as well.
As a matter of interest, her father was a Captain Henry Coombs - a master mariner and Captain and eventually owner of a smallish cargo ship "SS Solent" that plied between Wales, England and mainland Europe. It's claim to fame is that it rammed (by mistake) another vessel and sank it. The three crew were saved but the Captain "went down with his vessel". This happened before Henry was the owner and he was joint master. The other master must have got the blame because after that time Henry became sole master. There is a memorial to the captain of the sunken vessel on Guernsey, Channel Islands. All the best Richard
Thank you for your letter, yes it is amazing how vital information has a tendency to bob up out of the blue now and then.
Here is Richard's last note to me, and it includes a photo of Rose Flood, hope its useful for you.
I will pass on a copy of her marriage certificate when it arrives.
Please keep in touch about your book, especially when it is published, as Iwould want to get a copy.
Best wishes,
What an amazing contact. !! I have had a genealogist on the trail of the mysterious Rose Flood for the past 3 months. I shall follow up with richard forthwith. By the way i tried to send you an extract from London Times on capture of ilitis by HMS Odin. Did it get through?? The book is progressing well. About half way. best wishes
I thought you might like to see a photo of Rose's father and mother. The young lady with Captain Coombs is my mother at 18 years old. I have had many e-mail exchanges with Peter - thank you for the introduction. I will go through and copy to you what I have sent.