Did Felix von Luckner have children? Dear Sir, I was curious if the Count had any children or grandchildren by the name of Mark Von Luckner living in America during the 1950's or 1960's. The reason I ask is, that is the Sur-name of my biological father whom I have never know. As far as I know he was supposed to be living in Maine or therabouts during the time I am asking about. Any information is much appreciated and will be held in confidence.
I am unable to establish if Count Felix von Luckner ever had any children. I have never seen any reports about any children credited to him, I have posed the question to a Professor in Auckland New Zealand, who has just written a new book on von Luckner, to date no response, I guess he may be on vacation from his University at this time. But, be assured, when I get a reply from James I will be in touch with you again. Best wishes for 2004.
Thank you for getting back to me in a timely fashion. I appreciate your effort. I have tried various searches in a vain attempt to discover any info regarding this matter. It seems the mystery continues. Knowing this is not a common name should have made it easier, but I have found no information to date. Did the Count have any brothers or sisters? Wishing you the best in 2004 Yours respectfully, M, I came across this reference when seeking the elusive Count's relatives. You may be able to run down the reference at your library. This is the first time I have seen that Felix was married twice. Best Wishes,
Regarding your enquiry as to whether Felix von Luckner had any children - According to a 1939 report held at the German Federal Archives in Berlin, von Luckner had a daughter Inge-Maria by his first wife Petra (nee Schultz) in 1913. Inge-Maria's married name was Knaak and in 1939 she was living in Hamburg. Von Luckner did not have any children by his second wife, Countess Ingeborg, who toured New Zealand and Australia with him in 1938. By the way, I see there is some information on my book on the Peter Lang website athttp://www.peterlang.com/all/index.cfm?textfield=bade&vResult=true&vDom=9&vRub=1060 with more info under "detail". Should be out over the next few weeks. Kind regards,