
Did Felix Von Luckner sail in the Barque, Pinmore?

August 25, 2011


I have just ordered the Crew Agreement of the Barque Pinmore. for 1902-04, the time Felix Von Luckner was supposed to have sailed in her; I know he is not mentioned in this agreement by name
do you know any Ailias he may have used at this time, has any one else you know of searched this agreement?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Joseph Kay.


No I am unaware of any alias for the Count in 1902-04.  

He did write a letter much later and sign it M Pemberton.

M. Pemberton, and alias for von Luckner?

Dear Mac,

I've just come across an enquiry on your web site from Douglas Haslett about von Luckner's cryptic reference to a "Max Pemberton" in a dedication to his grandfather. You assumed quite reasonably that this was a reference to the Author Max Pemberton. I think there is another possible explanation. When von Luckner reached Fiji in 1917 he and his men rested for two days at the unoccupied house of a Mr Stockwell in Katafaga. When they left (to try to Enter Levuka Harbour and seize a ship - they were subsequently captured) von Luckner left a letter of thanks for Mr Stockwell and signed it "M. Pemberton , pretending that he and his crew were on a south seas cruise. Mr Stockwell was a member of the Ovalau Club in Levuka and he had the letter framed. It's still behind the bar at the Ovalau Club. I saw it on a visit to Levuka last week.

I have just completed a book on von Luckner entitled "Von Luckner: A Reassessment" which is being published by Peter Lang in Frankfurt. It is planned for release (in Europe, at least) in a couple of
months. It may well interest you.

Best wishes,
James Bade
Best regards.


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