Did Count von Luckner embrace the Nazi party? I was wondering if he had become a member of the Nazi party in later years. I know he was not in favor with them b/c of his membership in the Free Masons.
Thank you for your message. I do not believe that the Count ever embraced the Nazi party, as you indicated he was an avid Freemason. I have seen reports that over WW2, Hitler in fact put a stop on te Count's bank account, making it very difficult for him. If Felix was a member or supporter of both Hitler and his party, it seems unlikely that this action would have been taken. In Halle, in Germany, there are moves afoot to build a Memorial and a Museum to recognise the work of von Luckner in saving that town from destruction in the closing stages of WW2, when the Americans were dashing towards Berlin. My Web Master, Terry Kearns in Atlanta, Georgia has begun a web site dedicated to the Count, to try and give some publicity to the Memorial and Museum project. Find it here: Felix Count von Luckner Society. Thank you for your interest. Best regards, Mac. Gregory.