
Diary from a crew member in HMS Galatea around 1867

March 21, 2010

Subject: HMS Galatea

Hi Mac

hope you are well, just read a letter asking you if you had crew details on the hms Galatea around 1867 , i know my Auntie has a diary from a crew member who was a physician to Prince Alfred and i believe a bag pipe player by the name of Farqueson ( as far as i can remember ) there was info on the fleet and a list of the deceased on the voyage as well as at times a daily diary which includes the assasination attempt on the prince and a piece of the blood stained nightshirt from the prince. If anyone may be interested in any info please let me know and ill visit my Aunt and read more it really makes facinating reading.



Thank you, I would be grateful if you would visit your Aunt and write again after you read more of that diary.

Best regards,

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