I found your site today - it is difficult to say how historical the e-mails are but you may be interested that the precise copy of “The Two Admirals” book you identify at Anchor Books now resides on my bookshelf (as of yesterday before I read your web log!).
I am researching Moresby’s as well – my step-grandfather was a Moresby-White going back to Fairfax via his daughter Mary. Looking at your e-mail policy, I wonder whether you could contact Peter Patrick Fairfax Gardiner to see whether he would be able to contact me ... at the moment I cannot see how he ties in with the information I have.
Congratulations on a great site ... we visited the memorial to HMAS Sydney in Geraldton when we were in Western Australia last year – most impressive.
Thanks Mackenzie,
Please pass on my name to any Moresby researcher whom you think might be interested.
I have quite a lot of bits on the Moresbys which might interest other Moresbys. I have also scanned the book written by John Moresby entitled “Two Admirals” which is a great slice of sea life from the 19th century. It has a lot of interest. From time to time one can track down copies on the Net. However I have scanned it and wrapped it into a pdf file which weighs in at 8 megabytes. Probably much of what I know is known by others as there certainly were surviving Moresbys descended from Sir Fairfax into my lifetime.
I have located one of the Moresby homes in North Devon which the National Trust has just sold off. It was owned by the Acland estate. Aclands were cousins and at Killerton House there is a portrait of the Admiral I understand.
Here is an image of my great grandmother who was sister to Sir Fairfax. With time I am putting together a kind of private family website which is a mammoth task. I expect to get some way into the vast history of the family. Thus linking in the Moresby line would be interesting as they reach back to “Pre Conquest”…

Thanks for your interest.
Peter Gardiner