Death of a young crew member of Captains Cook's Edeavour? February 22, 2010 The Crew on the Endeavour Dear Mac I have by chance found your wonderfully informative website and I am hoping you may be able to help me with my enquiry. Would there be any information I could access relating to the death of a young crew member of Cook's Edeavour (possibly aged 11,12,13) who would have accidentally died on the ship, not through illness, but by Thank you so much. I really appreciate having this opportunity. And happy (belated) 88th birthday! Kind Regards
I have a CD of Captain Cook's Journal 1768-71. It lists all the crew under various headings, Captain, Officers, Warrant Officers, Petty Officers, Able Seamen But I am not able to find anyone who fits your description. There is a Peter Flower 18 who drowned at Rio de Janiero. Do you have a name at all? then I might track him down. Thank you for your kind words about AHOY, a joint effort with my Web Master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia USA. Sorry I am unable to help. Best wishes |