David Morrison, steward on the Athenia died on the Athenia in Sept 1939 See "SS Athenia, First Casualty of the U-Boat War on the 3rd. of September 1939" Dear Mac Just a quick note of thanks. I’ve been searching for info on my Great Great Grandmother’s brother – David Morrison. I knew he was killed at Sea and in the course of a war. Family legend suggested the Lucitania and WW1, but I couldn’t find him on that ship’s crew list and he’d have been a bit young. As luck would have it I stumbled across an old book which had a story in it about the sinking of the Athenia. It called the ship “Glasgow’s Lucitania”. So I decided to see if I could get the crew list for that ship on the off chance that the story had become corrupted down the generations & I could track down the missing Morrison. Yours was the first & only site where I could find the crew list, and sure enough, David Morrison, steward on the Athenia is listed. So thanks, a mystery has been solved courtesy of your site. I’ve attached a picture of David Morrison, so you can see who you helped find. Cheers again Deborah S David Morrison, steward on the Athenia died Sept 1939