Count von Luckner during his 1938 visit to Sydney August 5, 2013 Dear Mr Gregory, I recently came across photographs in the Australian National Maritime Museum’s collection depicting Count von Luckner during his 1938 visit to Sydney. Follow this link for two of the photographs: http://flic.kr/p/fiDhfa and http://flic.kr/p/fiDheM I plan on writing a post on his visit on the museum’s blog. Our blog can be found here: http://anmm.wordpress.com/ I came across your website in my research and saw that it included letters and correspondence related to the count. It is a treasure trove of information, I’m now not sure where to start! I get the impression the story has so many layers, so I think it will be a challenge to condense it into a blog. One question, was Colin Moore Snr’s work on the count ever published? We have about 36 photographs in total, from what I have found so far, and it seems that quite the media circus followed him around when he was in Australia. I am going to get them rescanned at a higher resolution so when that happens, I can let you know if you are interested. If you would like to forward this information regarding items in our collection on to anyone who may be interested, please feel free to do so. I would particularly like to get in contact with Colin Moore Jnr or anyone who may have had relatives on board Seeteufel, so if you could point me in the right direction or forward my email that would be much appreciated. It is possible that there are individuals in the photographs we have that may be connected with them and be identified by them. As a side note, we also have your work AE1, AE2, and J class submarines in the Royal Australian Navy in our Vaughan Evans Library, I knew I had seen your name somewhere! J Kind regards, Join: eNewsletter
Thank you for your comments, I have seen no evidence that Colin had his The Sea Devil published. Of course Lowell Thomas used the same title for his book on the Count. It is nice you have my work on AE1, AE2 and The J Class Submarines.in your Vaughan Evans Library, I am flattered. Some notes about von Luckner from a friend Martin Eliget (his Dad was a Bugler in HMAS Canberra 1 ) I think I found one crew member of the Vaterland in 1930/31. According to a seamens book in a file about von Luckner on the National Archive of Australia website, a Karl MULLER served as bosun from 23.5.1929 to 25.1.1934 (also 1928). Can't help with others I'm sorry. The file includes lots of background security info and photos of the crew of the Seeteufel several years later. The file is entitled "Count Felix von Luckner & crew of Der Seeteufel. C.G.C Moore, H.M. Schwarze, Hans Osterreich, Michael Hutt". Here's the link: http://naa12.naa.gov.au/scripts/ItemDetail.asp?M=0&B=62084 Click on "View digital copy". The file has 258 pages (we were a paranoid lot in those pre-war years!). On PP.158-161, there is a passport application and photo of Max SCHWARZE (joined crew of Seeteufel). On p.175, photos of crew. On p.192, reference to Seeteufel crew, including: Paul KAUSE (1st Officer), Paul KUNERT (Engineer), Karl MULLER (B'sun), Frederich THIELE (A.B.), Otto KATSCHE (A.B.), Hohn WINTER (Cook), Colin MOORE and Michael HUTT (both Wireless Operators and both from New Zealand). Mention also of Hans Gunther OESTERREICH (Steward), who signed off in New Zealand. More photos from p.198, copy of seamans books from p.219, etc. The NAA has 34 files on von Luckner. If you add the term rs@i to keywords, it will show you just the 6 files that are available online (incl. The one above). http://www.naa.gov.au/the_collection/recordsearch.html The other I found interesting was entitled just "Von Luckner". http://naa12.naa.gov.au/scripts/ItemDetail.asp?M=0&B=335151 The correspondence of various security organisations, as well as newspaper snippets and some photos. Regards, Dear Mac, Thank you for replying so promptly to my email regarding Count von Luckner. Thank you so much for sending through your friend Martin’s notes, they are a huge help and from a quick look, I can see some familiar faces already. I have uploaded more photographs to Flickr, so do take a look again: I must say, I have spent quite a bit of time distracted by those fascinating files in the National Archives J I will forward you my blog on the count once I have published it. Thank you again for your assistance, Nicole
Thank you.
Regards, |