
Count von Luckner did not win The Blue Max

Hi Mac! Reading your log,I found and "old" question about von Luckner -"Blue Max - or not/or what"? The fact: N o  B l u e  M a x !

The cross he is wearing on the photos as Korvettenkapitän Reichsmarine (early twenties) is the - Knightscross as knight of the order of the Johanniter (white enamel with gold,black ribbon - form :exact as the Blue Max). On the photos you also see left at his lower breast a small white cross (white stuff).

That belongs to the knight cross.(Same decorations were worn by the Kaiser Wilhelm II.) In Germany at that time, Counts, Barons, Kings and the Kaiser got the right (by birth) to be a "Rechtsritter" (knight of right), other people had to do human service for a long time to become an "Ehrenritter"(knight of honor). Till today that is similar.

Best wishes from Bremerhaven
Michael  anchors-away


I am just home after a visit to Europe.

Thanks for that, but I had found out that the Count did not have the Blue Max, its recorded on AHOY.

I am grateful for yoiur interest.

Best wishes.


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