Five Trees in Israel.
May 6, 2012 From: Tekook Category: History
"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire"
By Michael Buschow
National Science Foundation
There are people who will always be discussed
controversially. One of these persons Felix Graf von
Luckner, known as the "Sea Devil", who was with his
sailing vessel "Sea Eagle" during the First World War on
the plunder ging.Dieser man precisely carved from wood,
which the thirsty modeled after German people in 1918
idols and heroes offered. Of course, Luckner also liked
playing the role of the highly acclaimed, well-traveled
gentleman's naval hero, and not least he earned his
livelihood because of its popularity in the form of books,
autograph cards and presentations. He had as prominent no
later than 1933 in the so-called "millennial" inevitably
come sooner or later into direct contact with the brown
rulers who surrounded themselves known to you with
"heroes" of war, sports and culture. Hardly any German
could escape the Nazi state. It was for many to adapt,
only to be left alone. No, a "saint" Felix Count Luckner
was not even any resistance fighters and one could accuse
him of how well the other times, people close to the Nazi
regime. But his life, he often acted spontaneously,
sometimes naïve and imprudent without attention to
negative consequences for themselves.
He was just so, and always remained basically the same as
it once was-a simple and helpful sailor "before the mast"
on a windjammer for a Kamerad.Ein Luckner typical if not
found at all indicative event held in the bombed-out
Berlin in late 1943. The count, like now when the Nazi
superiors in favor (Special Court of honor), walking after
a bomb attack by the Allies through the wasteland of ruins
of the imperial capital, as it a woman directly addressed,
is born as previously secretive Jewish woman
(Rose-rose-Janson . Linhardt, born 16.10.1885 seen in
Basel) and gave him as saying: "I'm Jewish, my family,
they have already picked up, now I'm on the series" * was
to help bat.Nach own words Count this trembling with fear
of a woman he just in the smoking ruins spontaneously pass
had picked the name Frieda Schaefer. Not only that - he
took the woman and took her - "to seize a good friend
whose apartment the SS as a kind of private place had" *.
(* Quotes from the book: For seventy years of life-Koehler
Publishing 1955).
And here, right under the eyes of the SS, then, did Count
Luckner, the Jewish woman who called herself now as a
kitchen assistant at Shepherd Frieda! This saved them from
the concentration camps and rescued her without question
Leben.Bei Luckner second post-war trip to the U.S. in 1949
during a lecture in German St. Paul's Church in New York,
surprised him this woman who had married a GI in 1948 and
emigrated to the States was a personal thanks to their
life-saver. Luckner received a letter from her in 1951 and
1959, while the NBC television show "This Is Your Life"
hit the Earl one last time on Frieda shepherd, which he
fell in front of the audience and the cameras around their
It may be that the then Chairman of the Board of the
Central Council of Jews in Germany, Prof. Dr. med. Herbert
Lewin, this "story" of Luckner life prompted the Count in
1966 posthumously plant five trees in "Thomas Mann forest"
in Israel as a reminder. In any case, Professor Lewin was
aware of who he described in the deed of the Jewish
National Fund as a "good friend of Israel". And it is
certain also that in the postwar years, only a few Germans
this honor was bestowed.
One can now be divided by Graf Luckner, but historical
facts and documents can not be denied.
-Jewish National Fund (Keren Kajemeth Lelsrael) -1901
founded at the initiative of Theodor Herzl as a
preparatory organization for a Jewish homeland (state) in
Trees in honor of Israel were named after Martin Buber,
Thomas Mann and Hermann Hesse. There, trees planted to
honor people who helped Jews survive. Herbert Lewin (1899-1982), in the thirties,
chief physician d Jewish Hospital Berlin, later the Jewish
Hospital Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Inmate in
Concentration camp in the Lodz Ghetto, Auschwitz-Birkenau,
Oranienburg, Black Heath. Introduced in May 1945 on behalf
of Konrad Adenauer a retrograde transport Cologne
concentration camp prisoners.
After 1945, chief physician of the Municipal Women's
Clinic in Offenbach
1963-1969 Chairman of the Board of the Central Council of
Jews in Germany