Congratulations to you, sir, on the 63rd anniversary of the Battle of Savo Island
Congratulations to you, sir, on the 63rd anniversary of the Battle of Savo Island. It is, as I write, 12:56 am, (that's Central Standard Time, I am in the landlocked state of Missouri.) I guess I am a day late, but nonetheless, I am taking this moment to salute you, and your former comrades in arms of the HMS Canberra, as well as the men of the Chicago, Vincennes, Astoria, and Quincy. I have not forgotten your battle against great odds, and the honored dead who fell on that dark night. We all must never forget the great price at which our freedom was won. We are all in your debt, sir. Thank you, and congratulations at surviving to fight again. It's not who won the battle, but rather, who went on to win the war!
Scott Cunningham,
St. Louis, Missouri
PS: If you ever make it to St. Louis, look me up. It'd be my pleasure to buy you a pint or two in the town that Anheiser-Busch built.
Hello Scott,
Thank you for your unexpected but most welcome letter, yes the anniversary of Savo has passed Down Under.
I must admit, on the night of the 8th. of August, I had gone to bed late, only about an hour before my local time had reached 0143, when as a 19 year old Sub Lieutenant RAN, I was the Officer of the Watch on Canberra's bridge when Savo started, as you point out, 63 years ago. Sleep eluded me, as my mind thrashed around to relive that rather awful night.
But, I did survive, to go on and enjoy the day Japan surrendered aboard USS Missouri, in Tokyo Bay on the 2nd. of September 1945, by being there in HMAS Shropshire, a sister ship to HMAS Canberra, gifted to the RAN by Winston Churchill to replace her.
My wife Denise and I have recently been invited to be in Honolulu and be onboard USS Missouri, to celebrate the 60th. anniversary of the Japanese surrender. We are going, and look forward to that historic event.
Your offer of a drink or too with you is most generous, and should we be there will look you up.
Again, nice to have your sentiments and thank you for taking all that trouble.
Best wishes,
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