
Congratulations and news about a spanish site

Dear Mr. Gregory:
I was astounded by the amount of information you have in your web page. My congratulations for the long hours you must have spent researching and sorting out all, and then putting all into the web. It is a hard job.
I myself made a similar web page in www.histarmar.com.ar, but it is in spanish, as my mother language is spanish, I live in Argentina and there was no other site in spanish about maritime history.
If you take the time to look at it, I would be please to translate something for you if you wish so. Also, please feel free to use anything you deem worthwhile. It was made only to make spanish speaking people aware of their marirtime past, as it seems it has been lost for the new generations, specially regarding the merchant marine in Argentina, which was wiped out. So my first job was to recreate the history of the Argentine Navy and merchant marine. "INDICES DE INFORMACION HISTORICA MARITIMA SUDAMERICANA"
I do have many articles similar to yours, but I have found data and photos which I did not have, for example about the sinking of submarines (in peace times).
Can you give me permission to reproduce in spanish some of that material? Of course each time you would be duly recognized.
Also If I can be of any help togather information for you, I will gladly work on it. I have made a sort of "Maritime History Club" and there are many people who help me now.
My congratulations again and best regards
Charlie Mey

Hello Charlie,

How nice to hear from you, and my thanks for your kind comments about AHOY.

I should point out it is a joint effort, with my very good and talented friend, Terry Kearns, in Atlanta Georgia, he is my Web Master, and turns my research and writing into our site that is always pleased when someone logs on, is pleased with what they find, and then takes time to say hello to us. Without Terry and his skills AHOY would not present itself to the world.

I would be delighted for you to take just whatever you wish from AHOY, and turn it into Spanish for your audience in Argentina, it is a compliment to our work that you would want to use any material.

I recently had a request from South Korea to translate some of our material into Korean for a site over there.

Our piece about German U-Boats operating out of Spain has been put into Spanish, and is on a web site over there.

Thank you for your offer about using your work, of course my problem is that I am unable to read any Spanish.
Do keep in touch, and best wishes in your endeavours to record the Maritime history of Argentia, it is important in my view that we keep our Naval Heritage alive for the future generations to learn about their Matitime past.
Best regards, 
Mackenzie Gregory.

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