Christopher Rave's Oil painting of Count Felix von Luckner's Seeadler Dear Mr. Gregory: I have, what I believe, may be the original oil painting of the subject ship (SMS Seeadler). It is the same scene as shown in your Log. The painting is about 3x4 ft.in size and has been in my family for about 65 years or so. I am very curious to its' history, origin and value. Please contact me. Any help you can provide will be gratefully appreciated. Sincerely,
If you have the original of Christopher Rave's Oil painting of Count Felix von Luckner's Seeadler, you may well have a treasure. Rave was a German artist who lived from 1881 to 1933, and he signed his work as Chr Rave, and was responsible for painting some 300 works on the History of Navigation. In 1912/1913 he was the artist, photographer/ ca merman for a German Arctic expedition. If you go to this URL: http://www.artnet.com/Artists/LotDetailPage.aspx?lot_id=5261C7955E69A8C6 Are you please able to send me a photograph of this painting ? So we might add it to the wealth of material we have found about both the Count and his Seeadler, and put up on AHOY, that would be appreciated thank you. Best regards, back to letters index |