
Celebrating Australian women pilots from Rosemary Arnold

August 14, 2011

(see   "Women Pioneers of Australian Aviation" and "Fran West Australian women pilot")

Hello Mac

Thank you for putting the Australian women pilots' efforts "out there" for history's sake on your website. I just contributed to a new topic on the Forum, for your interest. (see "First Females Above Australia 1909-2009 - the book!" on Ahoy - Mac's Web Log - Discussion Forum.


Rosemary Arnold -- The Flying Celebrant 
Victoria Australia
CHAPEL IN THE SKY -- ceremonies by Australia's 1st Woman Helicopter Pilot -- in a helicopter, on the water or on the ground!



My thanks for contacting me, and for adding to the AHOY Forum.

I believe its very important to acknowledge the history of Women in Aviation,

Congratulations on your Flying Wedding service, a unique product without any doubt.

All the best for your future.

Warmest regards,

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