
Capt. Bert Quailzz

December 06, 2009

Subject: Capt. Quail

Good day Mac. My son came across your info in a web site he was looking at related to the Head Line. He passed Sergios info on to me. I can't find Sergios email address and ask that you send this small amount of info on to him please.

My mame is Capt. Robert Crawford ex Head Line. I sailed with Bert Quail when he was Chief Officer of the Rathlin Head and I was second officer. Later in our careers, I relieved him as Master of the Bengore Head in Dublin 1961. The ship was engaged trading to the Baltic (Helsinki, Hamina and Kotka). If I am correct, this was his last command and soon thereafter, Bert retired.

If Sergio is interested he could contact me for more info. Good to read about the "good old" Head Line days in your comments on this forum.

All the best.  Rab


Robert Crawford has asked me to pass on to you this message.

Best wishes 


My thanks for your comments. I have passed on your message and asked Sergio to contact you should he wish.

The seasons greetings to you and yours.

Best regards,

December 22, 2009

Thank you very much, a lovely Christmas present....will contact him straight away



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