
CSS Rappahannock


My name is Steve Bockmiller. I write from Middletown, MD in the USA.  I am a volunteer with the USS Constellation Museum in Baltimore.

I am writing a booklet on officers who served on Constellation before the war, then resigned to serve the Confederacy. One of these is Lt. Charles M. Fauntleroy.  The book will be sold at the gift shop with all proceeds to the ship.

I noticed on your website you have a photo of the CSS Rappahannock.  I would like to include this photo in my booklet in the chapter on Fauntleroy. Could you tell me who has rights to it, or if it is in the public domain, and how I could gain permission (if needed) to use it.  I would be happy to put a credit line to you or whoever I need to to make this happen.

Thank you for your consideration.

Stephen R. Bockmiller

The photo of CSS Rappahannock comes from this URL:
http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-us-cs/csa-sh/csash-mr/rapahk2.htm and is I believe in the public domain.
Best wishes.
Mac. Gregory.

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