
Bell I.C. and H. Gamst in 1816, inscription of " IND: PAQUET"?

April 17, 2011

Good day,

I am writing from South Africa, hoping for some assistance or a possible lead to someone who could help with an enquiry on the origins of a bell we have in our possession, made by I.C. and H. Gamst in 1816, inscription of " IND: PAQUET".

I would very much appreciate any assistance that may be forwarded.

Yours, Deon Eshelby.


I am unable to bring up anything about your bell or its maker.

http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/1677363/posts See the above URL for an interesting piece on bells, but
it regretfully does not help with your question.

Sorry I am not able to help.


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