
Author William Buchanan's forthcoming book about Malta

Professor Buchanan,

I note you are to embark on writing a book about Matla in WW2, it is a fascinating subject,
and I served in the Royal Australian Navy over WW2 and in HMAS Australia in 1940, we were part of Admiral Somerville's Force H in support of a Malta Convoy, which earned me a
50th. Anniversary Commemmorative Medal of their George Cross.

Are you aware of the book: By Laddie Lucas Malta The Thorn in Rommel's Side Six Months that turned the War. Penguin Books, London. 1993? I just thought it may help.

On my website listed below I have an article about this gallant little Island.

I would be grateful to learn when your work is finally published, as I would then like to get a copy.

With kindest regards from Australia.

Mackenzie Gregory.


Thanks for your interest and for taking the time to write to me.  My book is currently in process.  I wish I could say when it will be coming out, but it will probably not be before sometime next year at the earliest.  I am keeping a list of people who want to be informed
when it's released, and I will add your name to the list.

I have seen citations to the book you noted but so far have not read it.  On your remmendation, I will move it up to priority status on my reading list.  I thoroughly enjoyed your website, which is very nicely done.  I read and enjoyed the article about Malta and appreciate your including a link to the article about my forthcoming book.

I have never been to Australia but have wanted to do so for years. Before we married, my wife had extended trips to both Australia and New Zealand.  If the world situation remains stable we will probably try to visit both countries in the next couple of years....it this materializes, I will try to look you up.

All best,
Bill Buchanan

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