
Austrian naval history

Hello, Mac got some Navy questions for you, hope you can help, thanks.

My name is Chad, from Texas.

I have some questions on the Austrian Navy, I am quite a Historical and Biblical person, I know some about Naval History but your knowledge on the subject far out reaches me.  So I turn to you for some help.  I have an idea, that the Austrian Naval fleet was once the most powerful in the World, long before the British.  The Austrian Naval period reaches back to the days of Venice an Austrian possession lost several times and regained.  But the builders were Austrians.  Napolean even gave back Venezia to Austria for it was originallt Austrian land, and they in exchange gave him Original Northern Italian Lands in the West of Austria.  I also have found, that the Austrians invented the first Torpedo, and possibly the first submarine.  It seems like their whole history, including the Danube, revolves around Water.  I see on your site that the Austrian Frigate Novara circumnavigated the world from 1857-1859.  This before the days of the American Civil War when they were experimenting with the Monitor and the Merrimac.  I have had the opportunity to see Venice and I would say that it is more on Water than the Coasts of the Netherlands, for Venice is sinking.  I would ask you do you have more information on the Austrian Naval History in WWI and pre WWI even back to 1400.  Any info would be a great help, or maybe you know of a book or a website.

You see I am researching the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and all points that the Austrians are the Tribe of
Zebulon.  Genesis 49:13, Zebulon shall dwell at the haven of the Sea; he shall be for a haven of ships.  In the Old Testament of Zebulon we find that he is to be the Great Nation of Ships and Building on Water.  And Naval Warfare and Trade on the Danube etc... Whereas the other Tribes are not difficult this one is harder to find info on.  The prophecies also state that the Tribe of Joseph(the Anglo-Saxons) British would be good on the Sea only next to Zebulon.  In Deuteronomy 33:18-19Hello, Mac got some Navy questions another prophecy is given for the Tribe of Zebulon(the Austrians) and the Tribe of Issachar(the Hungarians), And he said of Zebulon, Rejoice, Zebulon, in thy going out; and Issachar in the tents.  They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of
righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas(Oceans), and of treasures hid in the sand.  Lots of Treasures come out of the Ocean and Sea depths, precious stones and pearls, minerals and abundance of other things.  Well I hope to hear from you.

If you can tell of any more info. on the History of the Once Great Austian Navy. Your site has been a
great help.  Would be greatful for any help.  And do not think that I undermine the British Navy, they were to also be great but their history is not as rich on the Seas as the Austrians.  But they are not far behind them.

Christian regards, Chad from Texas

Hello Chad,

Nice to hear from you, I am afraid you flatter me when talking about Naval History.

I have only been able to find two books that relate to the Austrian Navy, and should hasten to add I have not seen a copy of either one.

They are: Sokol, Anthony, The Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Navy, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis 1968. This covers the story of the Austrian Navy from its earliest days to WW1.

and: Sondhaus, Lawrence, The Hapsburg Empire and the Sea. Austrian Naval Policy. 1797-1866, West Lafayette. Ind. Purdue University Press. 1989.

As both books were published in your country, you may be able to find copies.

When it comes to the Twelve Tribes of Israel,I am absolutely no use to you Chad.

You have an unusual and interesting topic to be researching. There can be no doubt the early Austrian Navy was in the forefront of weapons development, and they were out there navigating round the world.

I trust I may have been a little help, start with the NIP at Annapolis, they publish a lot of Naval History, but as the book in question was published back in 1968, it may be out of print.

Good luck,

Regards from Australia.

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