Athenia survivor (originally evacuated to Scotland) in NYC Dear Mackenzie J Gregory, A friend of mine is a survivor of the 1939 Athenia sinking. Her name at the time was Marianne Low-Beer (now Dr. Marianne Young). She is now a practicing psychoanalyst in New York City. She was originally evacuated to Scotland and apparently those evacuated to Scotland were not listed as survivors. Yesterday I spoke with her and she asked about getting herself listed. (Her husband at the time (Fritz Low-Beer) was evacuated to another part of Britain and is listed as such. Thank you. Sincerely, Yonatan Nadelman
Thank you for your interesting letter, I was delighted to hear the good news that Dr Marianne Young is still with us and practicing in New York. Only yesterday I was given three more names of survivors from Athenia who were also rescued by Royal Navy destroyers and landed in Scotland, but they have all unfortunately died. Please ask Doctor Young if she would care to give me her account of the the sinking and her subsequent rescue, so we might share it on our Athenia Pages. We will start a page for those rescued and landed in Scotland, and Marianne will head that list, now numbering six. The following message from Emily Malcolm is self evident. "Collecting Athenia material for a display proposed for our new Riverside Museum of Transport, due to open in Glasgow in 2009" May I have Marriane's approval to pass on to Emily her details? as I am sure she could make a very meaningful contribution to the proposed Athenia display. Again my thanks for getting in touch with me and plaese pass on my best wishes and regards to Marianne, the doyenne of Athenia survivors. Best regards. |