
Asbestos exposure during service in the armed forces

August 5, 2011

Good Morning Mac,

After reading your articles, I am sure that we are of the same mind about a lot of things. In my opinion, history does
speak; it tells about how we got to where we are, and helps us figure out where we’re going. I have a lot of respect for the men and women who made history - that is, the armed forces. And I worry about the health problems they face today because of asbestos exposure during their service.

I also did some research on military asbestos exposure and how asbestos affects the body. It’s grim stuff, but important for anyone who may be at risk of developing an asbestos disease to know.

You  might want to consider linking to these sites for readers who want to learn more about it:

Those sites cover all the bases on the issue, I feel. Because the first one is more about what it is, the second is how it
affects veterans, and the third is more about history and statistics.

Let me know if this interests you, otherwise I appreciate your time reading this.

Joe Scully

Hello Joe,

Thank you for writing to me and for your concern about asbestos exposure, it is certainly an insidious disease.

I have had friends and colleagues die from asbestosis.

I will ask my Web Master to link to these sites so that anyone with this problem who visits AHOY may benefit from this information.


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