Are there any known links to such great web-sites as yours but for British armed Merchant Navy ships Dear Mr Gregory, this is a fantastic web-site which must be great for people researching Australian merchant navy ships that were armed in the war. We are trying to research such records for my Father-in-Law who served as a gunner on British ships throughout the war. He sailed the world and had some very lucky escapes and he lived to tell the tales and to show the postcards of his visits. Unfortunately although we have all the dates and times of his postings and all the names of the ships, we just cannot find any records of the ships or where they were when my Father-in-Law said where they were in his diaries. Are there any known links to such great web-sites as yours but for British armed Merchant Navy ships. SiNcerely, David R. Ashworth.
I trust you may find what you seek here: Kind Regards, Mackenzie Gregory. |