I am assuming, of course, before she was sunk on March 1, 1942.
I just don't know.
Pattie Wright
Helping you access records of interest
Before you lodge an inquiry
Have you checked that the National Archives holds the sorts of records you're seeking? See the scope of our collection.
There are several ways of contacting the National Archives reference service, including in person. See Fact Sheet 1 - Addresses and hours of opening.
Have you already identified a record of interest?
a.. To read the original - lodge an advance request to view records
b.. To obtain a copy - place an order through RecordSearch
Please note that under the Archives Act 1983 we can provide access only to records more than 30 years old.
a.. Defence service records
b.. Immigration records
c.. Passenger records
d.. Family history records
e.. Other records in our collection
f.. Ordering records to view in a reading room
g.. Response time
h.. Your comments on the reference service
i.. Cost
Defence service records
Defence service records document service in the Australian armed forces.
Our collection database, RecordSearch, individually lists the records of those who served during World War I (WWI) and World War II (WWII), as well as some other campaigns. For more information on service records, and how to access them, see:
a.. defence service records