Alfred D Holton, a gunner on a Liberty ship Here is a old picture of my dads ship the liberty on the Atlantic in 1945 my dads name was Alfred D Holton. He was a gunner on the ship do you have any information on him and this ship. My dad died in 1999 but here is the picture he gave me of his ship thank you Arlene bullock please e-mail me back if you can. He left behind 19 children ( yes all of his and moms) she died in 1991.
Do you have any record of the name of your Dad's ship. If I have that I can get details of her building etc, there are details available of both deaths and casualities from the Armed Guard , but your Dad's name did not bring up any entry. See these entries of where to write for medal and personnel records: Application for Records of Medals and Decorations Earned
Service Records of Navy Armed Guard or other Military
Sorry Arlene but that is the best I can do with the available information. Regards, |