
Gross Admiral Donitz' baton

Greetings Sir;

Would you know if there are any detailed photos available of Gross Admiral Donitz' baton?

Thank you,


In response to your message, I have scanned the only phptograph I have of the Admiral's Baton, it is taken from Page 231 of the book: Wolf Pack U-Boats At War 1939 - 1945. by Philip Kaplan and Jack Currie. Published by Arum Press Limited London 1997.

The actual Baton is held in the Shropshire Regimental Museum in Shropshire Castle, at Shrewsbury, the capital of that English County in UK. It was donated to the Museum by Major General J.B. Churches the captor of Admiral Donitz, he commanded the Infantry Brigade which took Flushing and arrested the Admiral's Nazi Government in May of 1945.

At this Museum, I believe the Curator is Peter Duckers.

That is all I can offer you Sir.

Mac. Gregory.

Admiral Donitz' baton

Admiral Donitz' baton

Donitz's Baton


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