
About C. De Eliaguirre Wreck and Wolf

Dear Mac:

First of all, my congratulations by your web, I use to contact and surf in your articles all the weeks. In this page I have found new and interesant information about the principal questions and themes for me, The first world war and german auxiliary cruisers or armed merchants in war to traffic.

Since 1931, In Spain we have only as bibliography of this questions the translations of the books writing by Luckner, Witchesky, Dohna Schlodien or Thomas Lowell. It was for me an big surprise knowing about the existence of Blaine Pardoe book about Seeadler, that I have notice in your web.

In respect SMS Wolf cruiser i have an question for you. Why you don't name in your list of ships sunks by mines laid by Wolf anything about SS "Carlos de Eizaguirre"?

She was an Steamer own by CIA. TRASATLANTICA ESPAÑOLA, an on 26.05.1917 She have an explosion near hold number two at the starboar side, an was sunk in less than 5 minutes 15 miles away Capetown near Robben Island.

From the crew of 106 members and 39 passengers only survival 23 crewmembers and 2 passengers. It was one of the worst tragedies of the Spanish merchant marine.

On another hand I'm very in interest of investigate about the persons and condition of the Igotz Mendi, capture, aground near skagen and liberated. I know that she was repair at Newcastle at 28.05.1918. Is possible that Spanish crew members would declare to the navy intelligence authorities in England? Where can I find this information?

Thanks for your attention

Best regards

Jorge Gilabert

Hi Mac:
The references for this subjects are in many spanish books, I'm sorry, I Think that only can found in Spanish.
The oldest is Rafael Gonzalez Echegaray "Nueve historias de barcos" (Nine stories of ships). It was write in 1970, an one of its chapters tells the history of the IGOTZ MENDI and raider WOLF. D. Rafael Gonzalez de Echegaray was during an important period of time (about 60s) Principal Manager of the Cía. Trasatlantica Española, S.A. He is the first person that I Know tells the wreck of "C. de Eizaguirre" was by the explosion of an mine laid down by raider wolf.

After, another spanish investigators have published different books about spain losses during the great war. One Of these is my friend Fernando Garcia Echegoyen. He has an web URL: <http://www.wreckspain.com/intro.html> that it have several information about another Spanish merchant marine disasters.

Recently Enric Garcia, has edited one book with the title "España Neutral, la marina mercante española en la gran guerra" (Spain Neutral, the Spanish merchant marine and the great war). He told about "C. de Eizaguirre" wreck that the cause of the wreck noted in Lloyd's list of losses not is by an mine explosion, because the ship not was insured against war risks, and in this way the owners can take an indemnitation from the Insurers, the Spanish "Consorcio de riesgos a la navegación".

Enric Garcia, takes this information from:
Julio Molina Font "Cadiz y el vapor correo de Filipinas Carlos de Eizaguirre (1904 - 1917) historia de un naufragio" (Cadiz and Philippines Steam Mail Ship Carlos de Eizaguirre (1904 - 1917) an wreck story). Julio Molina is relative of one survivor of this wreck, but this book was edited by Cadiz University, on 2002, with an little number of volumes and its very difficult to find, in deed I'm looking for it.

Attached you can find an photo of SS "LEGAZPI" Sister ship of "C. de EIZAGUIRRE". Both ships were buy in 1911 to CIE. MARITIME BELGE DU CONGO by CIA. TRASATLANTICA ESPAÑOLA, for the postal line between Peninsula an Philippines.

The SS "C. de Eizaguirre" was ex-Landana (Elder DEmpster line) and EX- Leopoldville (Cie. Maritime du Congo Belge)
If you want, I can try to translate part of the information containe in this books, but as you can see my English handle is very bad.

For other hand I give you thanks for the link to the book at Gutemberg project, but I Know it.
Thanks for your attention, your answer to my question and for your Interest.
Best regards
Jorge Gilabert


Thank you for your kind words about Ahoy which is a joint work between Terry Kearns, my Web Master in Atlanta Georgia, who looks after the site, whilst I am responsible for the writing and research.

The reason there is no mention of Carlos de Eizaguirre in the Wolf article is that I have never found any reference to her picking up a mine laid by the German Raider. Your information is the first I have ever seen, nor can I find any further reference to that Spanish ship.

Could you please give me your reference to her being mined on the 26th. of May 1917.

At this URL: 

Is a lot of detail about the grounding and picking up of her crew and prisoners by the Danes, it is all in English though.

Hope it all helps. 

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