
Able Seaman George Pringle Law of Empire Whale

Looking for crew list of SS Empire Whale torpedoed 1943 and any other info (particularly of able seaman law who was lost at sea durinig that attack


Can you please give the initials of Able Seaman Law? I may be able to find him on the War Graves Commision Site.
Mac. Gregory.


Long time since I mailed you. I've been researching this and that ! By a coincidence I have been examining the Roll of Honour of my home village in Swanmore Hampshire, 15 or so miles from Pompey Dockyard ! I then saw in your
letters index a reference to AB Law,and remembered that he is in the village Roll of Honour, and I have a few details of him.

George Pringle LAW. AB. ss EMPIRE WHALE
Torpedoed by U662 SW of Ireland on 29 March 1943 when vessel homeward bound from Sierra Leone with a cargo of iron ore.
Age 29.
Husband of Gertrude Lillian LAW of Swaythling Southampton UK.
Son of William and Flora LAW of Swanmore Hampshire UK
Place of commemoration Tower Hill Memorial London.

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