
HELP PLEASE Able Seaman Ernest Ward also served on HMS Curacoa and was also a survivor

Hello Mac

I have been reading a posting from Richard K Russell concerning the collision between HMS Curacoa and the Queen Mary. His father was one of the survivors of this incident.

My father, Able Seaman Ernest Ward also served on HMS Curacoa and was also a survivor.

I would like to send an e-mail to Mr Russell. I am a professional singer and have written and recorded a song about this incident, dedicated to the memory of HMS Curacoa and all those who served on her. I would like to send a CD to him.

Can you help?


Pam Ward

I regret I do not still have Richard's address, there are over 800 in my address book, and I am forced at times to cull some of them.
By a Bcc to my Web Master I will ask Terry to put up your message on AHOY ( less your address )  under a heading of HELP PLEASE!
and hope that Richard Russell may have a look at our site now and then, and contact me, if that happens I will put you in touch with him.
Sorry, but that is about all I can suggest.
Best regards,


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