A H Diack, Lieutenant on HMS Ladybird Dear sirs, Ny name is Rick Diack and my grandfather was the lieutenant on HMS Ladybird, he unfortunatley died a few years back but left me the ships bible signed before it was sunk I would greatly appreciate any info you have on the ship and my grandfather. I am currently trying to find other ships he served on. Regards Rick Diack
At this URL: http://www.hmsfalcon.com/index.htm is a history of the River Gunboats in China, if you scroll down you will find a picture of HMS Ladybird. Do you know the book GUNBOAT SMALL SHIPS AT WAR by Bryan Perrett and published by Cassell & Co. London. 2000? In it are some details of Ladybird's history and two pictures, one in China and one at Tobruk where she was sunk. I have E-Mailed the two pictures separately. See URL: http://www.hmsfalcon.com/cricket/discovery3.htm A report about Cricket, another gunboat, and your Grandfather is mentioned at the end of para 2.
Mac. Gregory.