
A 3D model of HMAS Canberra

Dear Mac,

My name is Lindsay Watt and I'm currently researching the sinking of the HMAS Canberra at the Battle of Savo Island.. I'm currently designing a 3D computer model of the Canberra and are curious about a few things which i hope you can assist me with.

Firstly when the Canberra went down was she flying the Blue Ensign? My understanding is that she was and that the Navy White Ensign didn't come around for some years to come.

Also i find that at certain web sites it was referred to as an Kent Class Cruiser and at other sites a County Class Cruiser. Could you clarify for me which one she was please.. I intend making my model as a sign of the respect for the men lost and will include a small piece outlining the battle with link to your site and to the Canberra's memorial page.

I have used the photos from your site as a reference in making the model because without any plans or schematic diagrams of the ship it's rather hard to make an 100% accurate rendition of the model as i'd like.

Kind Regards,
Lindsay Watt


To answer your queries.

We certainly flew the White Ensign in Canberra at the time of Savo, but it was the same White Ensign that was flown by the Royal Navy. The current White Ensign now flown by the RAN is an Australian Ensign, designed and replacing the old RN one, post WW2.

All the 8 inch cruisers were known as County Class Cruisers as they in general were named after the English Counties, there were 13 of them in all.

Now, within that total were three classes of ship. The Kents, 7 of them, including both our Australia and Canberra.

The London Class, 4 of them, including our Shropshire.

The Dorsetshire Class, just 2 of them.

Your project sounds great, and I am flattered that you will link to my site and the Canberra article.

Good luck with it all, I would be grateful to learn when
its completed.

Let me know if I may help further.

Best Regards,


Thank you very much for helping me out with my queries. I will most certainly contact you again if i need any more information on the Canberra.. I've attached a screen shot of my Canberra model for you to look at. It's far from finished yet but will give you an idea of what I'm doing.

I can supply you the 3d model if you want? I can convert it to most standard 3d formats so you can place the model on you web page.

I haven't been able to find any 3D models of RAN ships so i took on myself to build a couple. I have also built the HMAS Krait. The Z Special Forces raiding boat used in Operation Jaywick.

I was particularly impressed with your account of the Battle of Savo Island. That is the most detailed account of the events that took place I've been able to find. Most articles I've read only give the account from the Americans point of view.

Thanks again Mac


Your model is coming along, may I suggest you leave out the smoke, we always hated to see smoke made by the engineers, the Captain would be screaming to stop that smoke, unless one was trying to make it in the face of an enemy, and wanted concealment.

In fact, during WW2, smoke was the one most single factor in giving a ship's, or a convoy's presence away to a U-Boat. Please do not think I am carping!!

Will you try for a Walrus aircraft on the catapult?

Yes I would be pleased to have a 3D model for my site in due course. Thank you for your kind words about my Canberra Monograph, it was recently reprinted by the Naval Historical Society of Australia Inc whose head office is located on Garden Island in Sydney, so I guess they sell a few copies. I only received the pleasure of having it published.

I am sure you would be aware that the Krait i! s on display at The Australian Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour. The USS Canberra Bell that the US President presented to John Howard at the Washington Navy Yard on the 10th. of September 2001, and Denise and I were there as guests of  our Embassy in Washington DC, and had the pleasure of being greeted by George Bush and having our photo taken with him and our PM. Should be be at all interested its the very first article on AHOY.

That Bell is also on display at the Maritime Museum in the American Gallery. I have gone on, sorry, for my verbosity.

All the best,


I will most certainly leave out the smoke. I'm glad you made the suggestion. I will make what ever changes you think she needs and certainly wouldn't consider it carping.
I don't have much knowledge in Naval history and need all the suggestions i get.. My Grandfather was a Clearance Diver and my uncle worked at Garden Island. My Brother in law was Chief Petty Officer on the Stalwart so i should know more.
I will try to model the Walrus on the catapult but my previous attempts of designing one haven't been all that great.. ;-) I will keep trying thou and hopefully come up with something expectable.
That is fantastic news that the Naval Historical Society reprinted your monograph, congratulations.
Yes I'm aware that the Krait is on display at Darling Habour.. Unfortunately i live in Ballina so are unable to get down there to see her up close. I have seen her before in Pitwater when i used to live in Sydney several years ago.
I managed to obtain a copy of the original 1946 newspaper article of the Z Special Unit Operation Jaywick. I had a friend in Canberra send it to me, his dad was Z Force in Borneo.
Look now I'm starting to carrying on ;-)
Cheers Mac

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